Max sends follow request to jon

This UseCase shows the flow of a follow activity from an actor '' who wants to follow an actor ''

The UseCase describes the flow of a Activity-Pub Server that implements fep-4ccd

  • The follow activity must have the target actor as a recipient. The target actor can be contained in one of the following predicates: as:to, as:bto, as:cc, as:bcc, as:audience

  • The activity pub server (in our case is responsible for delivering the activities to the recipients of the activity. Even if the target server is currently unavailable. The activity should then be stored and sent at a later time.

uc follow1 follow diagram1
Figure 1. uc_follow1_follow: Max sends follow request to jon
  1. The Actor tells SomeApp that he wants to follow

  2. SomeApp sends a C2S as:Follow Activity to the outbox of Actor

  3. The Activity-Pub Server '' sends a S2S as:Follow Activity to the inbox of

  4. The Activity-Pub Server '' add the as:Follow Activity to the pendingFollowing collection of Actor